Wednesday 21 April 2010

Props list for feature film

Props List
+A Knife
+Fake Blood

Girl 1 (Woods Scene & House Scene) - Jeans, Trainers, Tank top, Hoodie
Girl 2 (House Scene) - Jeans, Top, Boots, Fur Coat
Boy 1 (Woods Scene) - All Black - Trousers, Shoes, Jacket
Make Up
Girl 1 (In Woods) - Running Mascara, smudged eyeliner.
Girl 1 (House Scene) - [Natural Look] Blusher, Mascara
Girl 2(House Scene) - Mascara, eye liner, light eyeshadow, lipstick
Boy 1 (Woods Scene) - Face Not Seen

+Hampstead Heath Woods
+House Hall Way

Music / Sound Effects
+Room Tone
+Title appearance noise
+Scary/ Gloomy music (Produced by us)

Girl 1 - Claudia Rollinson
Girl 2 - Aimee Wright
Boy 1 - James Yarwood

Developing my feature film

I decided to work in a group with one other girl. We began deciding what genre we would base our feature film on and as we both had a particular interest in slasher horror's, this is what we decided. We started off by researching on YouTube the opening two minutes of other slasher horror's . The one that caught our eye was "Shrooms" as we liked the style and plot. We therefore decided to base our feature film around it. Here is the link to the beginning of "Shrooms":

We then paid close attention to the titles that are conventionally used in slasher horror films. We saw a repeated use of black backgrounds with white writing. In many films, we also noticed the music was in sync with the titles and came in as the titles did to build suspense. In "Shrooms" there is a vivid use of cross-cutting between two scenes, with the interference of the credits.

We particularly liked the idea of "Shrooms" and wanted to re-make it into our own version. However, as it would have been too difficult to use a haunted, gory house as they do in "Shrooms" we decided to replace this scene with a murder walking through the woods with a blood-stained knife. We also replaced the plane scene with a conversation in a house between two sisters.

Once we had a clearer idea of what we wanted to create, we developed a script, a story board and went location hunting.

Production of film cycle

5 Stages Of Media Production
All texts follow one particular production cycle.
(1) Research and development stage
- Looking at opening title sequences and ideas
(2) Pre-Production - Preparing for production
- Storyboarding / Shot List
- Locations (Findings) [Photographing locations]
- Casting
- Budgeting
- Scheduling + Props List +Costumes +Equipment +Actors / Extras +Make Up + Music +Sound Effects
(3) Production Filming
(4) Post-Production (Editing picture and sound)
(5) Distribution and exhibition

My Animatic

claudia's animatic prelim

My 5 favourite films

imdb link :
link to trailer:

imdb link:
link to trailer :

imdb link:
link to trailer:

imdb link:
link to trailer:

imdb link:
link to trailer:

Final Preliminary Task

re is my final preliminary task. I worked in a group of 3 other girls - Gabriella, Kate and Ellie. We all contributed our ideas and formed one plan, a script and a storyboard before we filmed our final preliminary task. In the task we were being tested on continuity, match-on action and the 180 degree rule. We found things difficult such as opening doors and entering rooms and making it seem continous but we overcame this by taking a few shots, choosing the best one and editing. We used the programme "Final Cut Pro" to edit it together and to also add on a film title at the beginning.

Preliminary Task

Yesterday I began working on my preliminary task. In class, we drew an example plan of a preliminary task:

I worked in a group of 4 people and we assigned different roles to each person, however, we all worked together in working on the plan - the script and the camera shots. Here is my final plan and script for my actual preliminary task:

Shot Reverse Shot

This is a very simple example of shot-reverse-shot that I found on youtube. It is when one character is looking at another character and you can see the back of one character looking back at the other character and therefore assume they are talking to eachother. It is one of many examples of continuity editing.

180 degree rule

What I learnt about the 180 degree rule, in class, through research and fom watching examples on websites such as youtbube, is that it is an imaginary line that cuts through a scene. When filming a scene, you must not cross this 180 degree line as it would cause disorientation for the audience watching it. Therefore, you must keep all the cameras (if using more than one) on the same side. Here is a diagram I drew to help understand the idea of the 180 degree rule: